
How to stick to your New Year’s Resolution

How to stick to your New Year’s Resolution

December 27th, 2015BlogNo Comments »

So a New Year is just around the corner and I’m sure a lot of you are thinking about setting a New Year’s resolution to get fit and healthy. Firstly - good on you! But secondly - it’s one thing to make the resolution, but an entirely different thing to follow through with it! This year, help yourself stick to your resolution by ...

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The best cookies you will ever eat.

The best cookies you will ever eat.

December 20th, 2015BlogNo Comments »

‘Wow’, you say. ‘Thats a big claim’, you say.  Well I hear you but I stand by it - these are the best cookies you will ever eat! I make these EVERY WEEK. They are part of every meal prep I do simply because I can't go without them. I won’t lie - they are the highlight of my day. When 10:30am rocks ar...

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Recipe: My chocolate delight!

Recipe: My chocolate delight!

December 13th, 2015BlogNo Comments »

I don’t have the sweetest tooth but like anyone, I do love a bit of chocolate every now and again. The following recipe comes from my beautiful mother who went out of her way one time I went to visit to make me something sweet she knew I would eat!  All you need is: - 2 x bars of dark chocolate (if you are really brave you can g...

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Meal prep changed my life!

Meal prep changed my life!

December 13th, 2015BlogNo Comments »

​ Working ‘9-5’ (and i use that term loosely ‘cause let’s be honest - it's NEVER just 9-5) can be a killer. Squeeze a work out in there, add some kids into the mix and it can be really hard to cook a decent dinner and SUPER easy to make bad decisions.  A few years ago I was guilty of tucking into vegemite on toast a...

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